When Caroline and I sat down to write our goals for 2020, regularly updating this blog was one of them. If anyone has ever tried to maintain a blog with consistent updates, you would know how easy it is to fall behind when you’re trying to balance a full-time job (bills gotta get paid), make art on the side, be a sociable adult, take care of yourself, and get enough sleep. The reality is there just isn’t enough time in a day. But the good news is that we are going to post consistently this year, even if it means just one post a month.
To make things more cohesive for us, we decided to work with quarterly themes, and so when Classic Blue was announced as Pantone’s Color of the Year, I knew that it was befitting for our first theme: Blue, as a Feeling.

If you were to ask my friends or family what my favorite color is, they would probably say some variation of dusty rose or pale purple, and while they’re not wrong, I will tell you that I have always been obsessed with blue ever since I could hold a crayon in my hand. To be specific, it was Crayola’s cerulean blue that my five-year-old hands would gravitate towards and demolish immediately. I would color pages of sky and water with cerulean until I could no longer sharpen it with the crappy sharpener on the back of the box.
To me, even at five years old, the world was blue.
I can’t think of a color family that describes Late Comeback’s work more perfectly. I mean, we even have a zine called “Blue”!

Starting this week, and every week until April 1st, we will be posting a new piece of art on our Instagram, illustrating what Blue, as a Feeling means to us. From moments of content and hope to feelings of melancholy and despair, blue is a color as vast as the human experience. We hope to show you a peek into our tiny, blue world, and maybe you’ll see a part of yourself in it too.
Reference Guide:
- “Bluets” – Maggie Nelson
- “Blue Period” – Aidan Koch
- “Blue” – Nananan Kiriko
- “Days of Being Wild” – Wong Kar Wai